Play… Explore… Create are the foundations for your child's development everyday at Kingsville Early Learning.

Kingsville Early Learning

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Your local community long day care and kindergarten service.  Family-owned and operated, providing excellence in care and education.

Open Monday to Friday 7:00am – 6:00pm.

We know that all children are motivated by at least one art form – that’s why music, dance, drama and art are daily activities at Kingsville Early Learning.

Our Programs

Targeted learning experiences


Ensuring babies are safe, secure and their primary needs met, especially love and nurture, is our primary focus. We work closely with families to support routines.

We use personal interaction, music and song to stimulate babies.



Rapid brain development sees toddlers increase their use of language, learn social skills and test and develop independence.

We encourage each toddler’s agency by using the visual arts and dramatic play to support them to express themselves. We celebrate all attempts at learning.



Learning capabilities of exploration, curiosity and inquiry and creative problem solving are our focus for kindergarten children.

Our educators guide learning experiences that are led by children’s interests. Independence and teamwork are promoted in preparation for transition to school.



Relationships built on trust allow children to feel secure and loved, build confidence and thrive.

Our educators promote a key person for each and every child at our centre. Relationships underpin our commitment to creating a CHILD-SAFE environment.

Register your interest

Contact us to discuss any enquires, book a tour or register your interest to enrol your child at Kingsville Early Learning.

Kingsville Early Learning

248-252 Somerville Road, Kingsville